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Listed: Top Voted first, Newest first, A-Z

Weird Sites

The definitive list of strange sites and weird, webby, wacky, wonderfulness.

   Neon Haze - Strange Sci-Fi-Art-Adventure game
   Worst things for sale - The worst that money can buy
   Matt Furie - Weird art
   Horse raised by spheres - Peculiar. Press enter, click the red dot.
   Daylight of Darkness - Very odd story
   Acid bunny - Help the bunny to repair his friend
   Reptilians - Deadly invisible shape-shifting aliens are among us!
   The house 2 - Very creepy point and click adventure. Not for the faint-hearted.
   Worst plays in the world - Well, they're strange, but not that bad...
   Badger - How to install Linux on a Dead Badger
   Rules of the Internet - Bet you didn't know it was so complicated.
   unomoralez - Odd art
   Custom Creature Taxidermy - Creepy hybrid stuffed creatures
   Dream Camera - It's all a bit creepy
   Dragomir's diary - Days in the life of Dragomir
   Pointless sites - Pointless sites - our sister site. A plethora of pointlessness.
   Soft toy mistreatment - This is where unloved teddy bears end up.
   Hand thing - nutters!
   Prime number shitting bear - A fascinating mathematical demonstration. With sound effects.
   Kado - Bla bla bla rawraraghgh
   Scrape Scraperteeth - or the crushing punch/slap/stab of real estate madness.
   Koneke - "My Samurai-squad owns your Headgear-Necrophiles."
   Body Bread - Dude, you're a total bread head.
   Modern Living - Modern Living/Neurotica
   Rainbow Puke - Spewing Spectra
   Secretly fart - Secretly fart to score points
   ASDF Movie - ASDF Movie
   ZOMG Zufall! - Refresh for more
   Make my head grow - Use the arrow keys
   Robogran - Duck?
   Don't pick your nose - Ew!
   Explosm - Cyanide & Happiness
   Spewer - A game about puking

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