Showcase - Your All-Time Favorite Sites
Your all time favorite sites for wasting time - the most pointless sites in the universe - ultimate time wasters - in your opinion. Can you think of a better way to waste time?
1. | My housemate's diary - A sneaky peek into someone else's life |
2. | Worst things for sale - The worst that money can buy |
3. | Pointless sites - Pointless sites - our sister site. A plethora of pointlessness. |
4. | The Animal - There's a goddamn animal in the house! |
5. | Prime number shitting bear - A fascinating mathematical demonstration. With sound effects. |
6. | mute - Animation about mouthless people |
7. | Shia Labeouf - A song about a cannibal, by Rob Cantor |
8. | 5-second films - Films that last for just 5 seconds. |
9. | Matt Furie - Weird art |
10. | Acid bunny - Help the bunny to repair his friend |
11. | Who searches this stuff - Bizarre Google search auto-completions |
12. | SuperLOL - Just pictures. |
13. | Reptilians - Deadly invisible shape-shifting aliens are among us! |
14. | Jack Chop - Careless cooking |
15. | OMG Gaming Mouse - The ultimate gaming mouse |
16. | Album covers - Yugoslavian album covers |
17. | Candy - Candy the magic dinosaur. Check out episodes 2, 3 and 4 too. |
18. | Pencil - creepy weird film about a girl and a pencil |
19. | cachemonet - arty music video |
20. | Real ultimate power - Facts about ninjas |
21. | Do Not Touch - Crowdsourced music video |
22. | Palace of chairs - Guess who's back? |
23. | Dragomir's diary - Days in the life of Dragomir |
24. | Horse raised by spheres - Peculiar. Press enter, click the red dot. |
25. | The house 2 - Very creepy point and click adventure. Not for the faint-hearted. |
26. | Rejected - Bizarre cartoons |
27. | 9 Eyes - A collection of Google streetview images |
28. | Koneke - "My Samurai-squad owns your Headgear-Necrophiles." |
29. | Hand thing - nutters! |
30. | post secret - Other peoples' secrets |
31. | Things bears love - Om nom nom |
32. | Clicking bad - Browser version of Breaking Bad |
33. | Depressing Fridge Poems - An antidote to happiness |
34. | Zombies ate my phone - Brains... brains... |
35. | can-your-pet - Is this game really as cutesy as it appears? Play to the end... |
36. | Chat up lines - Ha! Aka Pick up lines |
37. | Comedian quotes - Quotes from top comedians |
38. | Studio Know - Improving the Internet for the Good of Mankind |
39. | Kado - Bla bla bla rawraraghgh |
40. | Daylight of Darkness - Very odd story |
41. | The End - A morbid platformer, set in some kind of afterlife. |
42. | Soft toy mistreatment - This is where unloved teddy bears end up. |
43. | Gangsta translator - Search for topics, have them displayed gangsta-style. |
44. | Dog paradox - Comic strip from The Oatmeal |
45. | Knives in hands - Photos with knives photoshopped in. |
46. | funswitcher - Click the switches to mix and match hundreds of sound loops. (Not IE8) |
47. | Robot Chicken Gummy Bear - I'm so happy 'cos I'm a gummy bear... |
48. | Guys American Kitchen and Bar - Mmm... tasty! |
49. | Badger - How to install Linux on a Dead Badger |
50. | Don't hug me - ... |
51. | Sleep talk recorder - Listen to what people say in their sleep |
52. | Swat 2 - Tactical sniper |
53. | stfu - STFU! |
54. | Brad: the game - Text-based multiple-choice adventure |
55. | mutilate-a-doll - Extreme ragdoll physics. Spacebar to create doll. |
56. | Caver - This is creepy |
57. | Coin placing... - quirky game |
58. | Death by hinge - Kinda like Pingu Extreme, but with a hinge. And it's not a penguin. |
59. | Secretly fart - Secretly fart to score points |
60. | Pingu Extreme - Can you beat 960? No, I thought not.... |
61. | Homerun in Berzerk Land - Like Pingu Extreme, but with a geek. |
62. | Worst plays in the world - Well, they're strange, but not that bad... |
63. | Perfectly timed photos - Action caught at exactly the right moment. |
64. | unomoralez - Odd art |
65. | Hipster Bingo - Entertain yourself at the next gig you go to. |
66. | You are a - Click the words to find out what you are. |
67. | The End - How the world might end |
68. | Presidential Pick up lines - from all centuries... |
69. | Rules of the Internet - Bet you didn't know it was so complicated. |
70. | The Meta picture - Pictures to chuckle over |
71. | Four a.m. - The museum of Four in the Morning |
72. | Tashorama - An Inter-active Moustache-orama |
73. | FmyLife - You thought your life was bad.... |
74. | MoanMyIP - Finding your IP address has never felt so good. |
75. | Scrape Scraperteeth - or the crushing punch/slap/stab of real estate madness. |
76. | Neon Haze - Strange Sci-Fi-Art-Adventure game |
77. | Ragdoll Avalanche 2 - Gruesome ragdoll physics |
78. | The Internet is $++t - |
79. | Handless Millionaire - Your money or your hands? Warning - gory! |
80. | Make my head grow - Use the arrow keys |
81. | Spewer - A game about puking |
82. | Don't shit your pants - A survival horror game. Text based. |
83. | Christmas game - !! cut ropes |
84. | Facts on Farts - All you ever wanted to know about farts |
85. | Dream Camera - It's all a bit creepy |
86. | Body Bread - Dude, you're a total bread head. |
87. | Picture is Unrelated - Picture is... unrelated. |
88. | Ignite people on fire - Do you have an intense burning desire? |
89. | Men's room monologue - All you ever wanted to know about Men's rooms |
90. | ZOMG Zufall! - Refresh for more |
91. | Things I did last night - ... |
92. | Hoodthong - Essential fashion |
93. | Robogran - Duck? |
94. | Don't pick your nose - Ew! |
95. | Custom Creature Taxidermy - Creepy hybrid stuffed creatures |
96. | ASDF Movie - ASDF Movie |
97. | Chicks with Steve Buscemeyes - Mascara doesn't help |
98. | Light people on fire - Do you have a burning desire? |
99. | Explosions and boobs - Err... explosions. And boobs. |
100. | Poor hamster - It's tough being a hamster. |